
Its all a beauty

Are charcoal masks right for me??

Are charcoal masks the right masks for you? Well that depends, what’s your skin type? If you have oily skin, are prone to acne, then this might be a good option for you. Charcoal masks are meant for people who have oily skin. These masks are known to assist with oil control, blackheads and a deeper pore cleanse. Because they can be so drying I don’t recommend using these more than once a week depending on how oily your skin is. As fun and cool as the masks may look and seem, they are definitely not for everyone. Charcoal masks can be abrasive to normal, dry and mature skin, they can cause excessive dryness, irritation and dehydration to the skin. If your skin is more on the dry side then you should definitely stay away from these and use more of a hydrating mask. Try using a mask that has hyaluronic acid which is sure to add the hydration your skin is missing. Questions?? Drop one below ⬇️
